black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Expert Tax Consulting for Your Success

Lebih dari 25 Tahun Ahli dalam Perencanaan Pajak & Pertumbuhan Bisnis

Pajak untuk Perorangan

Layanan pajak bagi individu, pekerja lepas, dan profesional

Solusi pajak dan pembukuan untuk perusahaan

Strategic planning untuk meningkatkan penghasilan dan effisiensi bisnismu

Pajak untuk Badan Usaha
Business Growth

Your Trusted Tax Consulting Partner

Dengan pengalaman lebih dari 25 tahun, kami siap membantu individu dan perusahaan merencanakan pajak secara efektif serta mendorong pertumbuhan bisnis yang berkelanjutan

A dimly lit street scene at night features a brick building with a neon sign displaying the words 'INCOME TAX' in red and 'NOTARY PUBLIC' in green. A streetlight illuminates the space immediately around it, creating a contrast with the dark surroundings.
A dimly lit street scene at night features a brick building with a neon sign displaying the words 'INCOME TAX' in red and 'NOTARY PUBLIC' in green. A streetlight illuminates the space immediately around it, creating a contrast with the dark surroundings.



Years of Experience

Expert Dedicated Team per client

Expert Tax Services

Berkomitmen meningkatkan perencanaan pajak Anda dan mendukung pertumbuhan bisnis dengan keahlian kami

Pajak untuk Perorangan

Layanan pajak bagi individu, pekerja lepas, dan profesional

A tax form labeled Form 1120 sits on a wooden table. A black pen rests on the form, and a gray zippered pouch is partially visible beside it.
A tax form labeled Form 1120 sits on a wooden table. A black pen rests on the form, and a gray zippered pouch is partially visible beside it.
Pajak untuk Badan Usaha

Solusi pajak bagi UMKM, startup, dan perusahaan besar

A person is sitting on the floor surrounded by tax forms and documents, holding a piece of paper in one hand. There is a smartphone with a calculator app open, and a pen placed on one of the documents.
A person is sitting on the floor surrounded by tax forms and documents, holding a piece of paper in one hand. There is a smartphone with a calculator app open, and a pen placed on one of the documents.
  • Pelaporan SPT Tahunan

  • Registrasi & Perubahan NPWP

  • Pendampingan Pemeriksaan Pajak

  • Restitusi & Pengembalian Pajak

  • Pajak Freelancer & Content Creator

  • Pajak Warisan & Hadiah

  • Pelaporan SPT Badan

  • Registrasi NPWP & PKP Perusahaan

  • Migrasi & Pendampingan Coretax

  • Manajemen Pajak Karyawan

  • Tax Planning & Optimasi Pajak

  • Pajak untuk E-Commerce & Bisnis Digital

Mengapa Pilih Karunea Tax Consulting?

a man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp
a man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp
Layanan Fleksibel – Kapan & di Mana Saja!

Tersedia untuk klien di Indonesia & luar negeri, baik online maupun tatap muka.

Strategi Pajak & Pertumbuhan Bisnis

Tak hanya urusan pajak, kami membantu Anda mengoptimalkan keuangan & ekspansi usaha.

Layanan Fleksibel – Kapan & di Mana Saja!

Lebih dari 25 tahun pengalaman dalam pajak & bisnis, kami menemani Anda di setiap langkah. Termasuk membantu dalam pelaporan di coretax

Konsultasi Gratis 30 Menit – 100% Transparan!

Memberi konsultasi gratis tanpa biaya tersembunyi, hanya solusi terbaik untuk Anda.

Karunea Tax transformed my business with expert tax planning and invaluable guidance. Highly recommend their services!

John Doe

The image features a window display with bold, handwritten text reading 'PAY YOUR TAX NOW HERE!' A vintage car is visible in the reflective glass, along with a partial shadow or silhouette of a person. The background shows a street scene with a building.
The image features a window display with bold, handwritten text reading 'PAY YOUR TAX NOW HERE!' A vintage car is visible in the reflective glass, along with a partial shadow or silhouette of a person. The background shows a street scene with a building.
A set of tax forms and documents is placed neatly on a dark surface. There is a black coffee mug to the right of the documents, and a pen is resting on a folder. The scene suggests a workspace setting.
A set of tax forms and documents is placed neatly on a dark surface. There is a black coffee mug to the right of the documents, and a pen is resting on a folder. The scene suggests a workspace setting.


Contact Us

A graphic with text reading 'Exploring Opportunities for D2C Startups in the Post-COVID-19 World.' It features a target with an arrow, a computer monitor displaying an upward graph, a calendar, a rocket icon, and a clipboard with colorful sticky notes.
A graphic with text reading 'Exploring Opportunities for D2C Startups in the Post-COVID-19 World.' It features a target with an arrow, a computer monitor displaying an upward graph, a calendar, a rocket icon, and a clipboard with colorful sticky notes.

Konsultasi Gratis 30 Menit – Tanpa Biaya Tersembunyi!